Every Friday I'm going to list five things that made me happy over the course of the last week.
1. Two of our good friends got engaged! Congrats to Mike and Jen!
2. Discovery of Winesday at Whole Foods. AMAZING.
3. Truman and Peek-a-boo playdates.
4. 60 degree days in January.
5. Finished Breaking Bad. One of the best shows ever!
Another year has come and gone and I've finally decided to start a blog. Not sure what shape it will take yet, but I think I'll start with some resolutions for 2012.
1. Learn to cook: Do this by making dinner at least 3 times a week.
2. Read more books.
3. Improve my photography skills. My new Canon DSLR will help!
4. Start a blog. (Already "keeping up" this one!)
5. SAVE money for fun things like houses and babies.